Fortran: Lesson 7

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#1 #2 #3

Demo 1

								        program average
c       This program averages two numbers input by the user.
c       It prints the results to a file.
        real x, y, avg
        print *, "Enter your first number :"
        read *, x
        print *, "Enter your second number :"
        read *, y
        avg = (x + y)/2.

        open (unit = 1 , file = "result")
        write (1,*) "Your requested average is in the table below."
        write (1,*)
        write (1,10) "First Number", "Second Number", "Average"
 10     format (t10,a,t30,a,t50,a)
        write (1,*)
        write (1,20) x, y, avg
 20     format (t10,f8.2,t30,f8.2,t48,f8.2)

        print *
        print *, "To see the average, open the file 'result'"
        print *, "Bye"