Fortran: Lesson 7

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#1 #2 #3

Demo 2

								        program divisors         
c       This program finds the divisors of an integer input by the user.
c       The divisors are printed to a file.
        integer n, k, d(10)
        open (unit = 1, file = "divisors")

        print *, "Enter a positive integer :"
        read *, n
        write (1,*) "Here are the divisors of ", n, " :"
        write (1,*)

        k = 0
        do i = 1, n
                if (mod(n,i) .eq. 0) then
                        k = k + 1
                        d(k) = i
                end if
                if (k .eq. 10) then                        
                     write (1,5) (d(j), j = 1, 10)
                     k = 0
                end if
        end do
        write (1,5) (d(j), j = 1, k)
 5      format (10i7)

        print *
        print *, "The divisors are listed in the file 'divisors'."
        print *, "Good luck finding it!  Bye!"