Campus Plants - Page 13      Gerald D. Carr

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Holmskioldia sanguinea, Verbenaceae, cup-and-saucer. Shrub from the Himalayas, the flaring the calyx is the cup while the saucer refers to the goblet-like corolla; often used as an ornamental hedge. Location: Near the stairway, Diamond Head of Sinclair; Ewa side of Krauss; Diamond Head side of Bachman Annex 6.
Homalocladium platycladum, Polygonaceae, ribbonbush, centipede plant. Shrub to 10 feet tall from the Solomon Islands, cultivated as an oddity because of the extremely reduced scale-like leaves and flattened leaf-like stems. Location: St. John courtyard.
Hoya bicarinata, Asclepiadaceae, wax plant, pua-hoku-hihi. Vine from S. China with roots appearing along the stems. Leaves shiny, thick; flowers in clusters at leaf axils, fragrant, waxy, star shaped, used for leis. Location: St. John courtyard.
Hura crepitans, Euphorbiaceae, sandbox tree. Tree from Central and South America, with pumpkin-shaped fruit 3 inches in diameter. The fruits split open explosively, scattering the fruit segments and seeds. In Hawaii, the fruit segments are strung for leis or made into jewelry. Location: Between Sinclair and Gartley.
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Hydnocarpus sp., Flacourtiaceae, chaulmoogra. Tree from tropical Asia with velvety brown fruit the size of a large orange. Chaulmoogra oil was once successfully used in the treatment of Hansen's disease (leprosy) but has been replaced by more effective synthetic substances. Location: Mauka of Bachman, near mauka-Ewa corner; Foster.
Hydrocleys nymphoides, Limnocharitaceae, water poppy. Aquatic plant from tropical America with floating, shiny, heart-shaped leaves about 2 1/2 inches across, and pale yellow, two inch flowers with 3 petals that wilt at the end of the day. Location: St. John courtyard; Krauss pond.
Hylocereus undatus, Cactaceae, night-blooming cereus. Climbing cactus, native to Mexico. The large (6-8 inch) flower opens at night and is pollinated by bats in Mexico. Comprises the well-known hedge at Punahou School. Location: In dense growth between back end of parking zone 6 and Newman Center.
Hymenocallis littoralis, spider lily. Location: Mauka side of Diamond Head wing of Sinclair; Paradise Palms.
Impatiens wallerana, Balsaminaceae, Zanzibar impatiens, busy lizzy. Succulent perennial ornamental herb from Zanzibar, with scarlet, pink, or white flowers, each with a long spur (arrow). Location: St. John courtyard; Hamilton; mauka of Hemenway.
Indigofera spicata, Fabaceae, creeping indigo. Prostrate or weakly ascending herb from tropical Africa and Asia with clusters of small salmon colored flowers and slender pods about 3\4 to 1 1/2 inches long. Closely related to the shrubby Indigofera suffruticosa (photo far left), the source of indigo dye, which is also sometimes found in weedy, disturbed sites on campus. Location: Common in weedy lawns and disturbed sites.
Ipomoea batatas, Convolvulaceae, sweet potato, 'uala. A vine (originally from S. America) brought to Hawaii by Polynesians. One of the most important food plants in the Pacific area. Extremely variable in leaf shape, stem color, "potato" (tuberous root) color, etc. Location: St. John Courtyard.
Ipomoea horsefalliae, princes vine, Kuhio vine. West Indian trellis plant found throughout the tropics. Location: Fence between Mid-Pac and UH Campus, near mauka-ewa corner of Biomed.
Ixora sp., Rubiaceae, ixora. Any of several shrubby ornamental species from tropical Asia, with red, white, yellow or pink flowers. Location: Mauka of Hemenway; Moore.
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Jacquemontia ovalifolia, Convolvulaceae, pa'u-o-hi'iaka (skirt of Pele's sister). A native vine with pale blue flowers found on dry plains and near the beach. Location: Lower Campus (quarry).
Jacquinia panamensis, Theophrastaceae, Small tree from Panama with stiff, spine-tipped leaves.  Some members of the genus are reportedly used as a fish poison.  This one has bright fruits that are attractive to birds.  The family is named after Theophrastus (c. 300 b.c.) who is often regarded as the "Father" of botany.  Location: St. John Courtyard.
Jasminum laurifolium, Ornamental shrub with sweet-scented flowers from the Admiralty Islands.  Location:  Hedge between the  UHFCU and the Energy House.
Jasminum multiflorum, Oleaceae, star jasmine, pikake-hoku. Ornamental shrub from India, with star-like, often fragrant white flowers; commonly used as a hedge. Location: Diamond Head of Food Science; Makai and Ewa sides of Henke; Ewa of Lincoln, EWC.

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