Up A Level

International Baccalaureate At UHM

Exam Minimum Score Credit And/Or Waiver
Drama II 4 3 credits for Thea 101
English AI 4 6 credits for Eng 255 and another sophomore lit course (but does not waive the requirement of English 100; one of the two AP English exams will substitute for English 100)
Japanese na None; must take institutional exam
Modern East Asia 4 3 credits (no UHM equivalent)
Physics 5 8 credits for Phys 151 and 151L, 152 and 152L

The University of Hawaii at Manoa will grant the following credits and/or waivers on the basis of the International Baccalaureate higher level examinations; these are subject to change, so please verify current policies with an academic advisor.

This page was revised on 2/21/98.
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Your comments and questions are welcome. Please email them ramsey@math.hawaii.edu.